Meet Our Team
Audrey George, President/Accountant
Audrey is a mother of four and married to Warren George of Nulato. They are also active foster parents. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree and Associates Degree in Accounting from the University of Alaska Fairbanks in 2014 and 2011, respectively. She also graduated from Inspire Leadership Academy in 2016. Audrey has board experience from serving as President of Fairbanks Native Association, Chair of Policy Council for FNA Headstart, President of Fairbanks Outboard Association, currently Treasurer of Tozitna, Limited, currently President of the Morris Thompson Cultural & Visitors Center, and newly elected to the Doyon Board of Directors.
Chalisa Attla, Vice President/Accountant
Chalisa earned her Bachelor's Degree in Accounting with a minor in Finance from University of Alaska Fairbanks School of Management in 2015 and graduated from Doyon Leadership Training in 2016. In our office, her main focus is accounting and operations. Chalisa aspires to assist clients to run their companies seamlessly in their day-to-day operations while still having the ability to work remotely from anywhere in the world. This influence has made our pandemic experience a much smoother transition then expected. She enjoys traveling out-of-state in the Winter, watching dog races in the Spring, and hunkering down for Alaskan Summers preferably around a fire pit with some good music, endless sun, and great company.
Natasha Shewfelt, Records Manager
Fairbanks/Fort Yukon
Natasha works in Shareholder Records at ANC Accounting. Natasha has two children. She is from Fort Yukon, Alaska, but resides in Fairbanks. Natasha graduated from High School in 2006 and will be continuing her education with UAF in the fall. Natasha loves spending time with family, going on road trips, and traveling. She loves the traditional subsistence way of life that she practices during the salmon fishing season and hunting moose season.
Leslie Jones, Administrative Assistant
Leslie is an Inside Wireman with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. She joined the Accounting team to help with the transition of ANC accounting's growing business. She has one daughter, enjoys outdoor activities such as watching dog races in the spring and occasionally participates as a boat racer in the summer. She loves to build and create things with her hands such as beadwork, traditional clothing, and anything in construction.
Melissa Aikens, Bookkeeper
Fairbanks/Hughes/Fort Yukon
Melissa is a new business owner, has an associates in accounting from UAF, and has experience in banking, specializing in consumer and mortgage lending. She is a Military spouse, has one child, and one dog. Melissa also loves to crochet and spend time with family. Her dreams are to go back to UAF for a bachelors in mechanical engineering with aspirations to assist in building and growing renewable energy systems in rural Alaska.